Welcome to our 2025 SD34 convention page. We will be making documents available on this page as well with sharing a downloadable version on our google drive. Those documents will be the proposed rule, agenda, constitution and more. If you have not signed up to be an Executive Committee member or State Central Delegate and will like to you can sign up here. The Executive Committee and State Central Delegation is for a two year term from February 22nd 2025 to the 2026 SD34 convention that will be held in late winter. If you would like to preregister you will be able to do that here as well.

State Central Delegate Sign Up

State Central Delegates attend the State Central Committee meetings. There are two meetings a year. Delegates vote on the members of the MN GOP statewide executive committee members as well as the nuts and bolts of how the State Party operates.

SD34 Executive Committee Sign Up

Executive Committee Descriptions

The Chair is the head of the committee. The Chair's duties are to coordinate meetings, caucuses, conventions, and other events. It is also the responsibility of The Chair to work with other members of the committee, the delegation, politicians, and other members of the Republican Party. The Chair is registered with the State of Minnesota. The Chair and Deputy Chair are authorized to speak on behalf of SD34.

The Deputy Chair carries the duties of The Chair and assists with the above at the discretion of The Chair. In the absence of The Chair, the Deputy Chair may take on the responsibilities of The Chair. If the position of The Chair is open, the Deputy Chair is responsible for managing SD34 until the position is filled in accordance with SD34's constitution.

The Treasurer manages the finances, assets, accounts, and budgeting while working inline with campaign finance rules. The Treasurer is also registered with the State of Minnesota.

The Secretary records meeting minutes, maintains records of votes, and other official SD34 business.

The Vice Chairs finish out the body of the officers. They assist and or head committees such as candidate search, and constitution. Vice Chairs also help with outreach to the political happenings in the 5 cities residing within SD34.

The main focus of this body is to represent Republican values and help Republican candidates get elected.

Proposed Rules


1. The order of business of this convention shall be as listed in the official agenda of the convention, subject to the discretion of the presiding chair.

2. Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, shall be the parliamentary authority on all points not covered by the Constitution of the Republican Party of Minnesota, Minnesota Statutes, the Official Convention Call, the Senate District Constitution, or the rules adopted by this convention.

3. A quorum consists of 50% plus one of the registered delegates. A quorum shall be declared by the presiding chair based on the report(s) of the credentials committee. Once a quorum has been established for this convention, there shall be no further question as to the quorum.

4. A quorum is not required to approve these rules, elect a convention chair, or present reports.

5. A quorum is required to approve a constitution or changes to it, to approve bylaws, to elect BPOU officers, to elect delegates to the State Central Committee, to approve resolutions and to alter the Rules after they have been approved.

6. The Senate District chair is the presiding chair until such time as a permanent chair of the convention (“convention chair”) shall have been elected by majority vote or acclamation of the convention.

7. The presiding chair may appoint tellers, sergeant(s) at arms, a parliamentarian, and others to fulfill the procedural needs of the convention.

8. Unless made clear by context, use of the term “chair” in these rules means the presiding chair.

9. Use of the term “delegate” in these rules is understood to mean registered delegates and registered, seated alternates.

10. These rules cannot be amended or suspended except by a two-thirds vote of the convention, and only after a quorum has been declared.

11. Registration shall close 30 minutes after the start of the convention.


12. The permanent roll of the convention is the registered delegates and registered, seated alternates.

13. The voting strength of each precinct is the number of its delegates present on the floor.

14. The final credentials report shall be presented to the convention as soon after the close of registration as is practicable. No delegate or alternate is permitted to register with the credentials committee after presentation of the final credentials report has begun, although registered alternates may be seated as described elsewhere in these rules.

15. Seating rules are as follows:

a. The duly elected delegates of each precinct who are actually present shall be immediately seated.

b. If any duly elected delegate to this convention is absent, then a duly elected alternate from that precinct shall be seated in his or her stead.

c. Alternates shall be seated in order of the votes received or order ranked.

d. If no duly elected delegates or alternates from a precinct are present, that precinct shall have no representation.

e. When a registered delegate returns to the floor of the convention, s/he shall be immediately seated.

f. The credentials committee is the sole arbiter of disputes arising from application of this section.


16. A delegate wishing to speak shall rise or raise a hand to indicate an intent to speak. Upon being recognized by the chair, s/he shall state his/her name, city, and precinct, and the purpose for which he/she rises.

17. If there is a point of parliamentary procedure, a delegate may rise or raise a hand and clearly state “Mr./Madam Chair, point of order.” All other official convention proceedings shall be suspended until the point of order is resolved. Points of order are understood to include points of clarification.

18. Debate on any motion or subject is limited to two (2) minutes by each speaker. No person shall be allowed to speak more than twice upon the same subject. No person shall be allowed to speak a second time until all those desiring to speak have had a first opportunity to do so.

19. The convention chair may appoint a timekeeper and set limits for the purpose of timing discussion, debate, and speeches during the convention.

20. The convention chair at any time may invite any officeholder, candidate, or distinguished guest to address the convention for a period not to exceed three (3) minutes.

21. The chair may direct the sergeant-at-arms to quiet or remove individuals whose speech or behavior is disruptive to the business or decorum of the convention.


22. There is no voting under the unit rule at this convention.

23. Only delegates and seated alternates registered and present at this convention are permitted to vote.

24. The vote on all questions is by acclamation subject to the following restrictions:

a. A rising vote shall be taken if requested by any delegate, or at the discretion of the chair.

b. Voting for officers, delegates and alternates may be by secret ballot, for all contested elections.

25. If there is a dispute as to the vote of any precinct, the chair shall appoint a judge and two tellers to canvass the vote of said precinct, and the judge shall report the same to the convention.

26. No second is required to a motion to adopt the majority report of any committee. A minority report of any committee may be offered for substitution for the majority report.

27. When the previous question has been ordered on any proposition on which there has been no debate, it shall be in order, before the final vote has been taken, to debate the proposition for four (4) minutes with one-half of that time allotted to those in favor, and one-half to those in opposition to the proposition. The same right of debate shall be allowed whenever a motion to lay on the table has been made on any proposition on which there has been no debate.


28. In consideration of time, the following rules apply to discussion, modification, and approval of the proposed Constitutional changes:

a) A motion to alter the report is not in order unless two-thirds of the convention delegates present approve permitting the motion to be discussed. Votes on the actual motion to alter shall follow discussion.

b) The chair may call the question of approval of Constitutional changes after one hour of floor debate has transpired or at any time that, in the opinion of the chair, no more motions or debate are forthcoming.


29. Nominations for Senate District executive committee positions shall come only through the officer search/nominations committee. Potential candidates must indicate intent no later than close of registration.

30. All candidates for Senate District offices must themselves be current delegates or alternates elected at the most recent precinct caucuses.

31. Candidates are elected by the convention as a whole.

32. Candidates are allowed up to three (3) minutes to present themselves to the delegates and answer questions. Candidates may provide written materials about themselves.

33. Candidates may be elected by acclamation if the position is uncontested. In cases of multiple candidates for the same office, the candidate with the fewest votes shall be eliminated in subsequent rounds of voting until a winner is declared.


34. Nominations for delegates and alternates shall come only from the nominating/search committee. Individuals must indicate intent no later than the close of registration. Only those elected as delegates or alternates by their caucus may become delegates or alternates to the State Central Committee. Delegates may be nominated and elected in absentia.

35. Voting for four (4) delegates and eight (8) alternates shall occur after nominees have presented themselves to the convention for consideration.

36. The nominees shall be ordered highest to lowest by vote count. The top four (4) shall be elected as the Senate District delegates to the State Central Committee, and the next eight (8) elected as alternates, ranked in order of votes received.

37. Nominees may be allowed one minute to speak prior to voting. Nominees not present may have others speak on their behalf with the same limitations.

38. Tie votes shall be decided by a random draw such as a toss of a coin. In cases where a tiebreaker would determine whether a nominee would be a delegate at all, the loser of such tiebreaker shall automatically be the first alternate, without enduring a second round of voting, but in three-way ties or greater, where one or more would not be a delegate, a separate run-off vote shall occur which will establish who shall be a delegate, and who shall be an alternate, allocated and ranked as votes received.


39. There shall be no endorsement of any candidate for public office at this convention.


40. There shall be no discussion or approval of party platform resolutions at this convention.

Proposed Agenda

I.       Call to Order 

II.      Invocation 

III.     Pledge of Allegiance 

IV.     Reading of the Convention Call 

V.      Appointment of Temporary Chair, Temporary Secretary

VI.     Motion authorizing the chair to appoint credentials committee, rules committee, nominations  

committee, head teller, parliamentarian, time keeper.

VII.    Preliminary Credentials Report

VIII.   Motion to make the temporary organization permanent

IX.     Rules Committee Report

X.      Seat alternates

XI.     Guest Speakers (Elected officials, possible candidates, previous candidates)

XII.    Constitution and Bylaws Committee Report

XIII.   Final Credentials Report

XIV.   Search/Nominations Committee Report

XV.    Election of Executive Committee

Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary, Treasurer

7 Vice Chairs

XVI.   Election of State Central Delegates

4 Delegates

8 Alternates

XVII.  Other Business and Guest Speakers 

XVIII.    Adjournment 

SD34 2025 Convention

Rogers Activity Room, 21080 141st Ave N, Rogers, MN 55374

February 22, 2025 

Registration Opens at 8:15 am Gavel at 9:00 am